The romantic poet

Breve commento in inglese sul rapporto uomo-natura nel romanticismo. (1 pg - formato word) (0 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di duiliopal
The romantic poet drawn inspiration from everyday life and objects led them to a sort of mystic belief, whereby man and nature The romantic poet drawn inspiration from everyday life and objects led them to a sort of mystic belief, whereby man and nature were different but inseparable parts of a whole universe, a total scheme created by God or rather by a Mighty power.
They maintained that Nature, far from being a decorative background (as with the Augustans) or simply the mirror of a particular mood (as with the Elizabethans), was endowed with a spirit and a life of her own, present not only in plants and animal, but in inanimate objects as well, such as stones and mountains. She was therefore a living presence speaking to all those who were able to enter into intimate relationship with her and understand her language.It was then through a fusion with nature, and through a quite contemplation of her beauty, that man could rediscover the image of God and become aware of his own inner life, since Man and Nature fitted together perfectly as parts of one Mighty Mind.
Nature, in fact, was a friend and comforter to man, the only great teacher from wich, by penetrating into har divine essence, man could learn virtue and wisdom.The mission of the poet, like that of a prophet or a priest, was therefore to open men's soul to the inner reality of Nature and to the calm, mediative joy she can offer us.