Lettera commerciale inglese
Lettera commerciale in inglese tra un esportatore inglese e un importatore italiano (1 pagine formato doc)
For the attention of Mr Brenda Dear Mr Brenda, We have just received your letter of 5 April for which we thank you.
We are very glad to learn that at the present there is a large demand for English articles on your market and that the men’s trousers and the women’s skirts we make may meet your customers’ favour. We have been working in this line for over 40 years and we can grant you that our articles are well know all over Europe; in fact we have been selling them not only in France and Germany for many years, but now also other numerous markets seem to be interested in our latest models. Under separate cover, we are sending you as soon as possible some patterns of the fabrics that we market in England some month ago. They sell very well here because they have aroused even the interest of the most demanding customers who have been buying our articles for years. For your further information we enclose some booklets illustrating our production methods and the latest export price-list...