London di William Blake: analisi in inglese

Analisi in inglese del sonetto di William Blake, "London" (1 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di saram87


William Blake: London. This poem conveys the poet’s view of London.

Reading the first stanza we can already understand that there is a first person narrator because the first word is the “I” pronoun. The poet while walking in the streets of London, sees that is all charted and also sees in every peoplemarks of woe. The poet for Blake is the only person who can see that common people can’t see, in fact in the second stanza the expression “I hear” highlights that the poet is a sort of prophet who can see this things and who can reach the truth. In line 8, the poet introduces a vision, that is a metaphor with an universal meaning.
Political and social institutions have forged man’s mind so that they do what governament wants them to do. In this poem Blake condemns three institutions: CHURCH, MONARCHY and MARRIAGE. Blake attacks “black’ning Church” because it has forgotten the original religious spirit. The word “black’ning” indicates both the corruption of the churh and in fact that in Blake’s time churches were black for smoke caused by industrialisation. Then condemns the monarchy because it puts at risk soldier’s life. Finally he condemns the marriage that brings to prostitution because it reduces men’s freedom in a time where the people got married only for interest.


The prostitution brings to degradation of the society because determined illegitimate children and many diseases as the syphilis. We can understand that the tone is initially emotional but then becomes indignant.
It’s composed by 4 stanzas and the rhyme scheme is ABAB CDCD EFEF GHGH.
There is a metaphor and the tenor is the terrible condition of poor people, the common ground is the imprisonment and the limitation of imagitation and the vehicle is the mind forg’d menecles.
There are repetitions in lines 1-2 and 4 and an anafora in line 5-6-7.

London di William Blake: analisi, parafrasi e traduzione