Romantic age and Blake
Note varie in lingua inglese sul periodo del romanticismo, su william blake e sull'analisi delle sue opere the lamb and the tyger (2 pagine formato doc)
The Romantic Age
The theme of escape was very important during Romanticism. Explain its different forms and its meaning.
The theme of escape is a typical reaction of Romantic poets. Escape to nature, escape from the town to the country and escape from the present to the past, in particular to the middle ages.
William Blake
- Supremacy of emotions and feelings, carachterised by introspection, nostalgia and emotionalism.
- Man follows his emotions.
- The child is a symbol of purity, innocence and freedom.
- Society destroyed man, emphasis on the individual.
- Poetry must express feelings and emotion, and the typical theme of romantic poetry is the them of escape. Escape from the town to the country (nature as a comfort, joy, consolation and God) and escape from the present to the past (in particular to the middle age).
- "Gothic Vogue": interest in what was wild, irrational, supernatural (typical elements of medieval culture).
The theme of escape was very important during Romanticism. Explain its different forms and its meaning.
The theme of escape is a typical reaction of Romantic poets. Escape to nature, escape from the town to the country and escape from the present to the past, in particular to the middle ages.
William Blake
- Life: art studies, engraver (artist), poor family, he supported the French revolution, the wife and the brother were two important people in his life.
- Works: Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience, the marriage of heaven and hell.
- Sources: in art Michelangelo and Raphael, in poetry Bible and visions.
- Imagination: divine faculties, that only God, Child and the poet have.
- Role of the poet: the poet is a prophet.
- Themes: social and political themes, egalitarian principles (French revolution) and evil consequence of industrial revolution. Imagination, "complementary opposites", childhood and adulthood, innocence and experience.
- Style: evolution from simple to complex, use of symbols, musicality, early romantic (he rejected neoclassical literary style and themes). In art sinuous flowing lines, illuminated printing.