poetry (poesia inglese)

appunto in inglese sulla prima poesia e sulla prima letteratura anglosassone (3 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di giupisara90
Poetry is the first literary genre to be considered because, as for any other language, the first Anglo-Saxon literary works were passed on from generation to generation orally, and poetry, with its rhytm and musical qualities, was easier to learn by hea Poetry is the first literary genre to be considered because, as for any other language, the first Anglo-Saxon literary works were passed on from generation to generation orally, and poetry, with its rhytm and musical qualities, was easier to learn by heart.
Poetry derive its name from the Greek verb piein which means “to create”. It was born as an oral art generally accompanied by dancing and music and is the oldest form of loiterature.
People used it as a means: To express the most remarkable events in their lives; To convey the feelings associated with them. Poetry is characterised by musical patterns of sounds which are based on the natural qualities of spoken language. Its language is far more condensed and intensificated: the poet combines words to make his reader felt what he has felt, and experience what he has experienced. The structural units of poetry are: The line; The stanza; The canto or book. All thease can vary almost infinitely. A line of poetry in English is usually from eight to twelve syllabeles in length and stanzas are normally from two to twlvw lines long. The types of stanza are: The couplet (2 lines) The tercet (3 lines) The quatrain (4 lines) The seset (6 lines) The octave (8 lines). A complete poem may consist of only 2 lines, as in the case of epigram, while narrative poems may extend over thousands of lines. The main kinds of poetry are narrative and epic, dramatic, satiric, and lyric. Narrative and epic, dramatic and satiric poetry tell a story in verse and may express a moral commentary. Lyric poems, which are generally very short, are relatively fixed forms used in almost every age, especially because of their musical quality and as means for the expression of personal feelings. Some fixed forms are: The elegy, which combines natural setting with poetic lamentation or speculation on death; The ballad, generally meant to be sung and used to express basic human emotions such as love and hate or fear and wonder at physical an supernatural worlds; The sonnet, which, though the most formal among the lyric poems, is capable of great variety and intensity; The ode, which is another classical form, in quite long and complex. Its form however, is determined by the theme (usually yhe celebration of an abstract concept) and situation. The 3 most important elements of poetry are: Its sound; Its visual layout; The special way it uses language. Therefore it is necessary to focus our attention on the means by which the poets communicates his message. An analysis of the poet's technique, of his use of language, of the tone of his work, should increase the enjoyment through a better understanding of poem. The epic poem The word epic comes from the greek noun épos, the p