La pena di morte

Appunti in lingua inglese sulla "death penality" (1 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di pie02
The death penalty is the legal punishment accomplished in different ways chosen to kill a person for wrong doing or failure to obey rules.
It is an instrument used in the past centuries but it still survives in our modern society. From the middle age death penalty and tortures were inflicted for a long time. In fact it was still in force in the XVIII century the the new death instuments were introduced. For example in France, during the revolution there was the guillotine. In Italy Cesare Beccaria proposed its abolition in his book “dei delitti e delle pene” and Pietro Leopoldo di Toscana was the first who passed the law against death penalty. Starting from XIX century it was suppressed almost every where and replaced by other instruments such as the life inprisonment.
In Italy it was first abolished in 1889 but then it was reintroduced during the fascism for the most serious political and common crimes. At last it was definitely repealed in 1944.