Hard times: analysis
Analisi in inglese sul romanzo di Charles Dickens, Hard times: analisi, tematiche e caratteristiche (2 pagine formato doc)
Dickens is probably the most representative literary figure of the whole Victorian age. He is the first truly urban novelist. Most of his novels are set in the city of London, and in them he captures the incredible variety and vitality of life in the city, as well as the squalor and deprivation. Dickens’s characters give voice to the whole panorama of social classes. Dickens is also fiercely critical of certain aspects of the Victorian way on life such as the voraciousness and hypocrisy of the rich, and their indifference to the problems of the poor.Hard times: a novel of denunciation. One of his most popular works is Hard Time written in 1854. This novel is a powerful accusation of some of the effects of industrial society.
Hard times di Dickens: tesina per geometri
Unlike romantic poets, that were used to describe nature and to ignore towns because they despised industrialization’s effects, Dickens writes novels of denunciations. In other words, Dickens is not satisfied by industrialization, which he considers a retrograde step because of the destruction of environment it brings. He shows the negative effects of industrialization. In this novel Dickens describes Coketown, an imaginary industrial town in the north of England. The description of Coketown, and the lives of the people who work there, reveal Dickens's indignation at what he regarded as the ugliness, squalor and materialism of the new industrial age. He accuses
1. Social and economical system
2. Factory owners
3. The mentality: in fact the Victorians were proud of industrialization’s effects and of their achievements; they were satisfied by their progress (which is in contrast with primitive forms of live).
Charles Dickens: biografia
Dickens denounced social injustices but he had not supported the radical movements of his time. He was a moderate reformer and believed in human goodness, benevolence, in the possibility of better human condition of life.
There’s an overall atmosphere of generosity, reconcilement of charity and philantrophism in his novels.
Dickens disapproved violence and revolution and looked upon the subversive power of working classes with suspicion and worry. Dickens is not a true realist, but a caricaturist and a deformer.