Joseph Conrad: biografia breve
riassunto in inglese sullo stile, tecniche, temi e opere di Conrad (2 pagine formato docx)
Joseph Conrad
Narrative technique:
Conrad wish to break free from the constraints of an omniscient narrator so that the reader is left to decide for himself, and is also shown the relativism of moral values.
2. Shift / forward of time: the illusion to see many stories at the same time.
“Conrad broke the normal time-sequence and used time-shifts to create the illusion of life being lived by a number of very different people at the same time”.
3. Oblique style: Conrad’s heroes are all solitary figures, rooted in past, committed to an uncertain future.
The figure of KURTZ:
- ambigue character. (perchè inizialmente girano molte voci (rumors) sul suo conto)
- l’unica cosa certa che sappiamo è che la sua compgnia lavora molto bene.
- writes a little report about the slaves’ lifestyle. abandon savage customs.
- exterminate all the brutes.
Joseph Conrad, Heart of darkness: riassunto in inglese
The FRAME is the first page of the novel.
- we enter in the Congo adventures (flashback) when the narrator became Marlow.
- initially the story begin with a sailor that speak about last/old experiences.
- the set is London, in particular on the Tamigi and the sailors was waiting the tide (marea).
Congo – raw material – ivory
A quest / pursuit for the self (la ricerca)
the character of Marlow and Kurtz are the double.
they have so many similarities.
they behave diply:
1. concrete, real, material.
a. a man who goes to Congo (Marlow). colonial expedition.
b. travel to met Kurtz.
2. spiritual, methaphoric.
but correspond with the real.
to get knowledge of myself (la ricerca di me stesso).
Heart of darkness di Conrad: analisi
Heart of Darkness.
first appearance is the middle/centre of Africa.
The chain-gang
(la banda della catena) [lavori forzati]
“six black man walk with a wound their lains”
“sei uomini neri camminano con uno straccio avvolto intorno ai fianchi”
venivano chiamati “the outraged law” “la legge oltraggiata”
“magri petti ansimavano; narici dilatate”
the overseer: un uomo della gang è il supervisore.
deathlike indifference: indifferenza come di morte.
raw matter: material grezza (six black man)
un uomo alza il fucile per precauzione. anche se io sono li per la stessa causa. (giusta)
“ho dovuto resistere e attaccare (attaccare per resistere), non sono tenero (impressionabile).
senza contare il vero costo della scelta che ho fatto”.
Heart of darkness: analisi opera di Conrad