Lewis Carroll: biografia e Le avventure di Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie
Breve biografia di Lewis Carroll, riassunto e significato del suo famoso romanzo "Le avventure di Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie" e la letteratua per l'infanzia durante l'epoca vittoriana in inglese (1 pagine formato doc)
Born in 1832 was the third child in a family of eleven imaginative and eccentric children who produced magazines containing parodies, word-games and puzzles, but he was educated at Rugby and Oxford University where he went on to lecture in mathematics. His first and most famous children’s story, “Alice’s Adventures in wonderland” was published in 1865. After meeting Alice he expanded the improvised story into book form.The alice books were considered unusual for the time. They had no apparent didactic purpose and contained no explicit moral. In the 20th century they began to be appreciated not only as children’s classics but as major literary and philosophical works, exploring the limits of language and logic. Lewis Carroll died in 1898.
Lewis Carroll: biografia e opere
-The plot. Alice’s Adventures in wonderland has no real plot. Instead it follows a dream-logic as Alice, the protagonist, falls asleep and dreams of falling down a rabbit hole. She emerges in a surreal and illogical world whose nature and laws constantly change. Alice too begins to change, her body growing or shrinking depending on what she east or drinks. In this world Alice meets a series of fantastical talking animals and other characters: White Rabbit, March Hare, The Duchess, a mouse. Alice has forgotten or has confused everything she ever ever learned in school. Once she does to enter the garden she finds the Queen of Hearts and her court of playing cards engaged in an eternal croquet match whose rules are made up as they go along, while the Queen constantly demands that one or other of her subjects be executed for some incomprehensible offence, though no execution actually takes place. At this point she wakes up beside her elder sister to whom she recounts her dream. The book ends with the elder sister’s melancholy reflection on the relationship of girlhood dreams to reality, imagining the real Alice as a grown woman telling her own children the tale of Alice in Wonderland.
-Alice and children’s literature in the Victorian age. The Victorian period saw an explosion in children’s literature and this coincided with the assignation of a special status to childhood in middle-class society. Indeed the child was granted his or her own space within the home, with unlimited freedom, but the reality function was to isolate middle class children from contact to preparing them for insertion in their social role as adults.
However carrol’s work cannot be inserted into this paradigm. An important aspect of the book are the parodies regarding 19th-century moral conventions on children’s literature and institutions of Victorian Age. Another parody is about the moralizing tendencies of Victorian age. The tendency to find always a law, a moral in everything. Indeed the duchess claims there is a moral in everything.. and this’s a caricature of the moralizing tendencies.
-The rules of Wonderland. A particularly aspect of the book, meanwhile, is its representation of the body, Alice’s body, which is constantly mutating. Indeed she refuses the idea of temporal growth into adulthood. Alice retains the ability to remain a child, but she can also become a giantess. She prefer remaining child with a adult mind, being different by peterpan, who want remaining a child with a child mind to haven’t adulthood problems.