Milan city
Descrizione della città di Milano in inglese (2 pagine formato doc)
Milan is the main city in northern Italy and is located in the plains of Lombardy, the most developed of the italian regions.
It is the economic-financial capital of Italy. In fact Milan is the centre of many financial businesses, and its hinterland is a big and avantgarde industrial area. Also Milan is the seat of the italian stock exchange (borsa valori). The main exhibition center and trade fair complex is the Fiera di Milano and is one of the most important in the world. I went to Milan last summer and I stayed there for two weeks. I have two uncles and four cousins that live there and I fell in love with this city. Milan is famous for fashion firms and is the world leader of design. Main shops are in Montenapoleone street. Montenapoleone street is an elegant street in Milan very famous for fashion and shop of jewels. All the best designers have there their main ateliers and shops. Another famed product of the city is the traditional christmas sweet cake called panettone.