Natura e immaginazione nel Romanticismo

Breve testo in inglese sull'importanza della natura e sul ruolo dell'immaginazione nella poesia romantica, con riferimenti a Coleridge, a Wordsworth e a Mary Shelley (1 pagine formato docx)

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Un breve testo in inglese sull’importanza della Natura e il ruolo dell’Immaginazione nella poesia romantica.

Nature was the fundamental theme of Romantic poetry, especially for the romantic poets of the first generation in England: they needed to establish a new relationship with it, because they saw it was changing due to the Industrial revolution. Each poet had his own vision of nature, but they shared the fact that it was really important in human life.

Wordsworth e Coleridge a confronto: riassunto


Wordsworth dealt with a simple and genuine kind of nature, that of peasants, who were reputed to have a privileged relationship with it. In his opinion nature was pervaded by God and could be a moral guide, each element led to the contact with him.

The feelings nature inspired could then be elaborated in a poetic form thanks to a process Wordsworth called “recollection in tranquillity”, that involved memory and imagination.

Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron e Shelley: riassunto


Coleridge also considered nature divine, but he could not adopt Wordsworth’s pantheism for his strong Christian faith: he considered it the reflection of the divine world in the earthly one, of the idea in the object. Natural images led to two types of imagination: the primary one, a faculty common to everyone, that is the ability to order the chaos present in the world in one’s mind, to create a harmonic vision of things; secondary imagination meant being able to create new worlds starting from what you experienced and it was owned just by the poet.
The first poet to stress on the importance of imagination over reason was Blake (often considered a preromantic), but he thought the starting point of it was not nature but “inner visions”.

Dalla poesia sentimentale alla poesia-pensiero: riassunto


As regards the second generation of English romantic poets, it is evident that even if their vision of the world was different, nature remained a very important theme. They had a more passionate and symbolic view of it, for example in Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind” this natural element stands for freedom and for the poetic creation. Shelley considered nature a source of joy and knowledge, while Byron only found comfort in it, as it was the expression of his contrasting feelings while he was alone, contemplating it (an example is the sea in “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”). Keats conveyed a new vision of nature: it is important not in itself, but because it led the poet to the elaboration of more complex thoughts.
It is not possible to imagine what Romanticism and poetry in general would be without  the theme of nature, strictly connected to imagination.

Tutto su Samuel Taylor Coleridge