Ode to the West Wind - Ode on Grecian Urn
Analisi in inglese delle due celeberrime poesie di Shelley e Keats (2 pagine formato doc)
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?
Ode to the West Wind is an Ode wrote by the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley in the 1819, and showed to the public in the 1820. The poet appended a note to it, to explain how the poem was conceived. Through this note we learn that the ode was written in wood near the Arno, one day, when a tempestuous wind blew with all its strength.
The poem is divided into five different stanzas. The first, the second and the third stanzas describe the action of the wind respectively on the earth, in the air and in the sea. The fourth and the fifth stanzas, instead, are a sort of invitation to this natural force; the poet desires that the wind could become his musical instrument for talking to the all mankind.
We have, in the last line of the last stanza, a sort of summary of the Shelly's poetical conception and a revelation of the real intent of the composition that, to a first and superficial reading, could appear just a poetic description and exaltation of the wind. To understand it, in fact, we have to know the background of Shelley poetical production. This poet lived during the period of the Industrial Revolution, and he knew that that was a age marked by the war of the evil against good, the oppressors against the oppressed. So he understood that something had to change in that situation but, describing the action of a wind destroyer and preserver that brings the "winged seeds", he wanted to say that some values had to be preserved from the destroyer force of a rebirth wind. This values are, in particular, Beauty, Love, Freedom, Justice, Equality and Fraternity. Shelley chose a natural phenomenon to convey the necessary rebirth of the society because he thoughts that the nature is not a physical experience, but a sort of invisible power which govern the universe.
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?
Ode to the West Wind is an Ode wrote by the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley in the 1819, and showed to the public in the 1820. The poet appended a note to it, to explain how the poem was conceived. Through this note we learn that the ode was written in wood near the Arno, one day, when a tempestuous wind blew with all its strength.
The poem is divided into five different stanzas. The first, the second and the third stanzas describe the action of the wind respectively on the earth, in the air and in the sea. The fourth and the fifth stanzas, instead, are a sort of invitation to this natural force; the poet desires that the wind could become his musical instrument for talking to the all mankind.
We have, in the last line of the last stanza, a sort of summary of the Shelly's poetical conception and a revelation of the real intent of the composition that, to a first and superficial reading, could appear just a poetic description and exaltation of the wind. To understand it, in fact, we have to know the background of Shelley poetical production. This poet lived during the period of the Industrial Revolution, and he knew that that was a age marked by the war of the evil against good, the oppressors against the oppressed. So he understood that something had to change in that situation but, describing the action of a wind destroyer and preserver that brings the "winged seeds", he wanted to say that some values had to be preserved from the destroyer force of a rebirth wind. This values are, in particular, Beauty, Love, Freedom, Justice, Equality and Fraternity. Shelley chose a natural phenomenon to convey the necessary rebirth of the society because he thoughts that the nature is not a physical experience, but a sort of invisible power which govern the universe.