Oxford poets break with tradition

Esercitazione alla seconda prova dell'esame di stato di liceo linguistico (domande riassunto e composizione) (2 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di bssilvietta89
1.1 The English literature students are waiting to read some poetry of their own out and they are anxious.
1.2 Jenny Lewis and Lucy Newlyn are challenging tradition because in their opinion English shouldn’t be taught just as a purely academic subject but it should be something that improves your own creativity. 1.3 Maybe because they are scared about the idea that they have to read out some poetry of their own. 1.4 Not all of the students took the course willingly at the beginning, like Caroline Boon, who was a reluctant partecipant at first, but then she wrote for pleasure. At the end of the course they were not examined.
1.5 Students and tutors working together, as the institute says, thanks to the group’s approach, might change the traditional relationship between student and tutor. At the beginning both of them are tense because they know they can be judge. 1.6 I think that jenny is tense about reading her poetry out because it’s a comparison with some people who judge directly her work.