The modern age and Joyce: appunto in inglese
Appunti in lingua inglese riguardo l'età moderna e James Joyce attraverso le oper "The dubliners" e "Eveline" (7 pagine formato doc)
THE MODERN AGE THE MODERN AGE In 1901 Victoria died, Edward the seventh came to the throne and at the beginning of the century general election was held; the liberals won and they carried out reforms on pensions, medical service an school, coal mines regulation act, new acts of education, and so on.
We can understand that Victorian conventions gradually faded out; in the pre-war years we have strikes, violence, industrial arrests that come from men and women too. Women were educated and they had been arguing in favour of voting rights since 1860s; they were called “suffragettes”. Among them Emmeline Pankhurst together with her daughter founded the women's social and political union. The suffragettes chained themselves to fences and they broke windows and they made hangar strikes because they wanted to obtain the right to vote. In 1909 the Prime Minister Lloyd George made a new system of taxation that penalises the unearned incomes in favour of the earned income, coming from work. Before the first world war we have the end of the balance of power: Germany was a powerful country with a powerful army and navy and a modern industry and began to expand to the Balkans. The 1stWW broke out when the heir to the Austrian throne was murdered in Sarayevo. EFFECTS OF THE 1ST WORLD WAR AND THE IRISH SITUATION The effects of the 1st WW were: the death of 9 million people, the ruin of 4 empires, the communist revolution in Russia, the rise of dictators like Hitler and Mussolini, the negative economic effects in Great Britain. The causes are huge design of powerful man without taking consideration of modern warfare. (Shall-shock: psychological disorder among the solders of the 1st WW caused by bomb explosion). In 1912 we have the Home-rule introduced by the liberals that was a self government or even independent parliament in Dublin. It means that the Irish have an opportunity to have an independent parliament: the majority of the population was catholic, but the protestant opposed this rule and in particular the Ulster unionist opposed the Home-rule. They wanted to keep the union with the British, because of this conflict this rule was suspended till peace time. In 1916 we have a real threat of civil war at East. The Irish republican party Sinn Fein attempted to seize power in Dublin. The uprising was repressed by the British army and rebels whose we leader was Patrick Pearce were executed. (Yearts: poem Easter 1916). With the end of the war the Irish question rose again. The Sinn Fein was founded in 1905 and they wanted an Irish republic and after the 1918 general election 69 Sinn Fein members of parliament refused to attend the English parliament and declared themselves the elected assembly of the Irish people. Eamon de Vadera was the leader; the nationalists organise they army (IRA). In 1921 the England signed a treaty with the rebels and Ireland was divided into 2 parts: Ulster, the northern part EIRE, the Irish free state. The treaty was not a