The tell-tale heart (E. A. Poe)

Riassunto e analisi del testo di letteratura inglese (1 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di ros9o1
The tell-tale heart deals with a murderer who wanted to kill an old man.
They lived together. The murderer couldn’t stand old man’s eye, because it was a pale blue eye with a film over it. During the day the murderer was very kind with the victim, but every night for seven night he went at his bedroom’s door with a lantern, slowly, very very slowly; but the old man didn’t open his eye and so the murderer wasn’t excited to kill him. The eight night the old man open his eye because he heard a sound and the murderer was very very excited, he put the lantern into the room, he drugging the man to the floor and pulled the heavy bed over him. The man gave a squeal.
He was died. After, the murderer dismembered the corps and he washed on the blood stones. He did the corps under the bed. The neibourgh heard a scream in the night and he called the police, who went to murderer’s house. He said that he gave a squeal because he had a nightmare. He said the police to search very well in the house.