Virginia Woolf: life and To the lighthouse

Breve riassunto in inglese su Virginia Woolf, la maggior esponente del Modernismo: vita e "To the lighthouse" (2 pagine formato )

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Virginia Woolf.

She was one of the most important exponent of the Modernism, a new movement developed in Europe.. this movement was a break  with the past, People were horrified by effects of war and mechanized society in general. The Victorian moral universe collapsed and was replaced by a climate of moral ambiguity,  by a sense of emptiness and lack of values..
Virginia with Joyce was influenced by an important theory: Freud’s Theory about the unconscious and Bergson’s theory about the time.. it is only running of moments and isn’t under our control..
She started to use a new narrative technique called Stream of Consciousness formed by: interior monologue, flashback and different point of view.

Virginia Woolf: vita e opere in inglese


LIFE AND WORK. Virginia was born in London in a cultural family, her father was an intellectual..she was a great writer, in fact she dedicate most of her life to writing.

Writing for her became very essential because her life was very complex characterized by a lot of familiar mourning…  After her father’s death she started to write in a fully way, and together with her brother and her sister , she went to BLOOMSBURY DISTRICT and they founded Bloomsbury group, composed by a lot of young artists ,they wanted changed the ideal of     Victorian Age..
In 1912 Virginia married a journalist: Leonard Woolf .. and together founded the HOGARTH PRESS , they started  to promote the works of young authors like: Mansfield.


Her most famous works were: MRS DALLOWAY (1925) TO THE LIGHTHOUSE (1927), ORLANDO (1928) And THE WAVES (1931)..
Virginia’s career started to decline during the second world war, and was characterized by a lot of disasters and she lost her sense of writing, in fact she decide to committed suicide drowned herself in the river..
In the Virginia’s works the time is often dilated, this technique known as indirect interior monologue, used by Woolf to represent the gap between chronological and interior time. This technique is present in all of Woold’s novels. She is particularly concerned with female subjectivity , which has made her popular with many feminists..


To the lighthouse is the most important Virginia’s Woolf novel..this novel is based on memories and remember of happy summer in her holiday house, this is an autobiographical novel, she give to the figures the remember of her parents ..
One evening in September 1914 , the Ramsay family, that for their holiday is in one of the Hebrides, decide the next day to do a trip to the lighthouse with some friends .To James, the youngest son, that place is a dream destination, full of meanings and mysteries. However, the trip is postponed due to bad weather .Ten years later ,the house  is in ruins and many family members are dead. Ramsey ‘family’s  survivors do the trip to the lighthouse, while one of the oldest guests ends up a framework started ten years ago..Past and present intertwined, time takes a different meaning.