Yellowstone park

Descrizione del parco, la sua storia, le cose più interessanti da fare e vedere. Tutto scritto in lingua inglese (2 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di ocia87
YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK (I'm going to talk about the main characteristics of the park and the most interesting things we can see there) Yellostone Park, a 3,458 square- mile area in the Rocky Mountains, was the first national park to be set up in the world.
It is an area of majestic mountains, deep valleys and thick forests, but it also offers something special due to its volcanic origins. See volcanic phenomena In fact, in the northern part of the park, are Mammoth Hot Springs. These are beautiful white basins created by hot volcanic springs which lay down up to two tons of limestone deposits a day. In Y.
Park you can also watch geysers erupt. Yellowstone is home to 60% of the world's geysers. Over 250 geysers erupt every year. The most famous is Old Faithful, which erupts every 70-90 minutes and shoots water over 130 feet into the air. See Wild Animals In Y. Park there is abundant wildlife. Yellowstone is home to a large concentration of big and small mammals. The Yellowstone region is home to GRIZZLY BEARS and many BLACK BEARS. A historic BISON (also called American buffalo) population also makes its home here. About 3,500 bison inhabit the park. Bison are respected not only for their size, but for their resilience. At the beginnig of the 20th century, America's wild bison had been reduced to about 25 animals because of excessive hunting by colonists, while in the past they were 60 million. These last few animals took refuge in Yellowstone Park and the bison that visitors see today are descendants of those survivors. Bison can weigh a ton and, although they seem docile, they are unpredictable and they charge at visitors who go too close to them. Visitors can also see about 40,000 ELK, and MOOSE, the largest member of the deer family. With the exception of bison, moose are the largest animals in Yellowstone. More over there are TRUMPETER SWANS which are the largest waterbirds in the world: their wingspans can reach 2 metres. They are smaller than eagles but heavier, and they are the world's heaviest flying birds. They are long-necked and all white. They are hardy, sometimes they endure temperatures of 40 and 50 degrees below zero during winter. In Yellowstone Park you can also see WOLVES. The gray wolf is Yellowstone's largest canid. The wolf hunts and kills animals that are often larger than itself. The wolves' diet is composed primarily of elk, but they can also take down bison. View a Waterfall In Y. Park you can see beautiful waterfalls: the Grand Canyon is 4,000 feet wide and 1,300 feet deep. It is a spectacular sight and is home to the LOWER FALLS and the UPPER FALLS. These, with other waterfalls are all breathtaking in their beauty. There are also TOWER FALLS. See a petrified forest You can even see a petrified forest with trees of various types, which have become stone-like because of volcanic ash. Go Rafting and hike a trail Another way to enjoy the park is to take a rafting trip. It's going down a river or