The Tyger
Analisi in inglese del sonetto di W.Wordsworth "The Tyger" (1 pagine formato doc)
William Blake: THE TIGER William Blake: THE TIGER This poem is taken from “Song of Experience”.
The tyger which expresses better the idea of absolute evil, is usually associated with “The lamb” which expressed the idea of absoluted good. In really, for Blake, absolute evil and absolute good don't exist alone, but together; they co-exist in man's soul and is the man who can decide to follow goodness oe evil. The tiger is divided in six stanzas and the first and the last ones are equal, and the only difference is the word “could” ( Line 1) which change in “dare” ( Line 25). The rhyme scheme is elementary, but in the last 2 lines, in the first and in the sixth stanza there isn't a rhyme. The rhytm is not sweet like in the lamb, but hammering and speedy and also the metre is different: while in The Lamb there's an iambic metre, in The Tyger it's trocaic. Blake gives both positive or negative connotation of the tyger: it is violent and bad, but also beautiful, full of energy, elegant. In fact in the first line the expression “burning bright” gives the idea of energy. In the second line, the wor “forest of the night” suggest the idea of Dante's Divina Commedia because it rappresent a place where man is lost.