Blake, Wordswort e Coleridge a confronto
Blake, Wordswort e Coleridge a confronto. Caratteristiche principali dei tre autori inglesi (1 pagine formato doc)
- Vision and imagination: he was called the visionary poet, he stressed the importance of imagination as an instrument of knowledge.
- Philosophy: he found necessary to create a philosophy of his own, with the exaltation of the spirit over the body.
- Innocence and experience: they are two faces of the human soul.
- Freedom: he rebelled against any form of oppression and slavery, either social, political or religious.
- Childhood: It is not only an age, but also a state of the soul, a childlike view of life, which may persist in maturity too.
- Language: simple and lyrical in the songs and more difficult in the prophetic books.
- Works: “Songs of Innocence and of Experience”, “Milton”, “French Revolution, a Prophecy”.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: riassunto breve in inglese
- Subject of poetry: Incidents and situation from common life.
- Language: a selection of language really used by men.
- Poetry: it is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity = Memory.
- Imagination: the capacity of colouring, to modify the object observed.
- Childhood: the most important stage of man’s life , in which we have visionary faculty. The child became the father of the man.
- Nature: he was the poet of the relationship between Man and Nature; they were different but inseparable parts of the whole universe. He had a Pantheistic vision of nature. Nature was a friends and a comforter to man, the mission of the poet is to open men’s souls to the inner reality of nature.
- Works: “Lyrical Ballads”, “Poems in Two Volumes”, “The Prelude”.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: riassunto breve
- Different types of works: translations from German, essays on philosophy, religion and politics.
- Imagination:
Primary Imagination: is the living power and prime agent of human perception, it is the faculty by which we perceive the world around us. It is common to all human beings.
Secondary Imagination: it is the poetic vision, the faculty that a poet has to idealize and unify.
Contrast with Fancy that is inferior to it, it is only a mode of Memory, without the power to create.
- Nature: he did not believe in a Pantheistic vision of nature because of his Christian faith, he saw it in a sort of neo-platonic interpretation, as the reflection of the perfect world of ideas.
- Language: different from that used by Wordsworth, more archaic in the ballad, full of sound patterns in “Kubla Khan”.
- Works:
“Daemonic Group” composed by: “Christabel”, “Kubla Khan” and “The rhyme of the Ancient Mariner”.
“Conversation Poems” composed by: “The Nightingale”, “The Eolian Harp” and “Dejection: an Ode”.
“Biographia Literaria” in Prose.