Drama, tragedy and comedy

Drama, dramatic techniques, techniques, characters, language, features of the tragedy and features of the comedy (2 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di spyyder94
The performance is the action of entertaining other people by dancing, acting or playing music.
The Greeks were the first in Europe to stage theatralic performances. The stage is the area in a theatre where actors perform. The origins of tragedy and comedy lie in solemn chorus accompanying the sacrifices and in the procession by the citizens to propitiate fecundity in nature.
The play is a piece of writing that is invented to be acted in a theatre. The play is formed by acts, which are formed by scenes. The writer of a play is called playwright. Often the play is introduced by a prologue to inform about the character of the play and it’s followed by an epilogue to request applause. Place and time can be deduced from the dialogue and the stage directions.
The main support of drama is the dialogue because:
it crates the action;
it gives details about the characters;
it inform about the past and the future;
it shows what a character thinks.
The soliloquy and the monologue are special conventions.
In the soliloquy the character is alone on the stage; in the monologue there are other characters but he speaker ignores them. The playwright use them to inform the audience about character’s:
thoughts about a specific problem;
plans for the future;
feelings and reactions;
explanation what happens between scenes.