Lord Randal
Analisi completa della ballata tradizionale scozzese le cui attestazioni certe risalgono al XVIII secolo (3 pagine formato doc)
It is an epic poem
and it is considered the first specimen of
English literature.
The text of the poem has come down to us in a late 10 th-century. The poem however must have been composed in a late 8 th-century. The tone is epic and melancholy. The poem is about the deeds of Beowulf, nephew of the king of the geats.
☻The story
The story is setted in the 5 th century.
He is going to give help to his uncle, king of the geats, because his royal palace is haunted by a terrible monster called Grendel .Beowulf wants to fight against Grendel. He succeeds in killing it and its mother. Some 50 years later, Beowulf loses his life, after killing a dragon.
It is a very realistic and detailed passage. There are a lot of epithet thanes, kennings, adjectives like strong, gallant and fearless. The Anglo-Saxon soldiers were brave, generous, courageous and loyal. The betrayal was a serious fault.
vv. 9 I suoi coraggiosi seguaci trovarono poco da ridire sulla sua audace avventura, anche se gli volevano bene.
Vv11 studiarono gli auspici e lo incitarono. Il che egli aveva raccolto intorno a sé era valoroso, 14 uomini risoluti, temprati e coraggiosi.
Vv 14 raggiungendo la riva dove la nave stava aspettando. Un marinaio esperto di mare che avvistava i punti di riferimento sulla costa. Venne l'ora si salire sulla nave, la nave navigava sulle onde del porto sotto la collina.
Vv 18 i marinai impazienti salirono sulla prua. I cavalieri si frangevano sulla riva.
. It was written by an
anonymous author.The text of the poem has come down to us in a late 10 th-century. The poem however must have been composed in a late 8 th-century. The tone is epic and melancholy. The poem is about the deeds of Beowulf, nephew of the king of the geats.
☻The story
The story is setted in the 5 th century.
He is going to give help to his uncle, king of the geats, because his royal palace is haunted by a terrible monster called Grendel .Beowulf wants to fight against Grendel. He succeeds in killing it and its mother. Some 50 years later, Beowulf loses his life, after killing a dragon.
It is a very realistic and detailed passage. There are a lot of epithet thanes, kennings, adjectives like strong, gallant and fearless. The Anglo-Saxon soldiers were brave, generous, courageous and loyal. The betrayal was a serious fault.
vv. 9 I suoi coraggiosi seguaci trovarono poco da ridire sulla sua audace avventura, anche se gli volevano bene.
Vv11 studiarono gli auspici e lo incitarono. Il che egli aveva raccolto intorno a sé era valoroso, 14 uomini risoluti, temprati e coraggiosi.
Vv 14 raggiungendo la riva dove la nave stava aspettando. Un marinaio esperto di mare che avvistava i punti di riferimento sulla costa. Venne l'ora si salire sulla nave, la nave navigava sulle onde del porto sotto la collina.
Vv 18 i marinai impazienti salirono sulla prua. I cavalieri si frangevano sulla riva.