the rape of the lock
attenta analisi dell'opera di alexander pope in lingua inglese (5 pagine formato doc)
Introduction: The Mock-Epic The rape of the lock-Alexander pope Introduction: The Mock-Epic . At the beginning of "The Rape of the Lock," Pope identifies the work as a “heroi-comical poem.” Today, the poem-and others like it-is referred to as a mock-epic and sometimes as a mock-heroic.
Such a work parodies the serious, elevated style of the classical epic poem-such as The Iliad or The Odyssey, by Homer-to poke fun at human follies. Thus, a mock-epic is a type of satire; it treats petty humans or insignificant occurrences as if they were extraordinary or heroic, like the great heroes and events of Homer's two great epics. In writing "The Rape of the Lock," Pope imitated the characteristics of Homer's epics, as well as later epics such as The Aeneid (Vergil), The Divine Comedy (Dante), and Paradise Lost (Milton). Many of these characteristics are listed below, under "Epic Conventions." Setting . The action takes place in London and its environs in the early 1700's on a single day. The story begins at noon (Canto I) at the London residence of Belinda as she carefully prepares herself for a gala social gathering. The scene then shifts (Canto II) to a boat carrying Belinda up the Thames. To onlookers she is as magnificent as Queen Cleopatra was when she traveled in her barge. The rest of the story (Cantos III-V) takes place where Belinda debarks-Hampton Court Palace, a former residence of King Henry VIII on the outskirts of London-except for a brief scene in Canto IV that takes place in the cave of the Queen of Spleen. . Characters . Belinda Beautiful young lady with wondrous hair, two locks of which hang gracefully in curls. The Baron Young admirer of Belinda who plots to cut off one of her locks. Ariel Belinda's guardian sylph (supernatural creature). Clarissa Young lady who gives the Baron scissors. Umbriel Sprite who enters the cave of the Queen of Spleen to seek help for Belinda. Queen of Spleen Underworld goddess who gives Umbriel gifts for Belinda. Thalestris Friend of Belinda. Thalestris urges Sir Plume to defend Belinda's honor. Sir Plume Beau of Thalestris. He scolds the Baron. Sylphs, Fairies, Genies, Demons, Phantoms and Other Supernatural Creatures Source: A Real-Life Incident . Pope based The Rape of the Lock on an actual incident in which a British nobleman, Lord Petre, cut off a lock of hair dangling tantalizingly from the head of the beautiful Arabella Fermor. Petre's daring theft of the lock set off a battle royal between the Petre and Fermor families. John Caryll-a friend of Pope and of the warring families-persuaded the great writer to pen a literary work satirizing the absurdity and silliness of the dispute. The result was one of the greatest satirical poems in all of literature. In writing the poem, Pope also drew upon ancient classical sources-notably Homer's great epics, The Iliad and The Odyssey-as models to imitate in style and tone. He also consulted the texts of medieval and Renaissance