Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley e Keats: schema

Tabella di comparazione con le principali caratteristiche di alcuni autori,come: Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley e Keats (2 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di pasquigi


IMAGINATION POETRY POET NATURE ART BEAUTY CHILDHOOD WILLIAM BLAKE Is Fundamental The poet is a prophet who had to awaken generation.

The art is a creative vision. Childhood is a state of soul, not an age. WILLIAM WORDSWORTH Was used to enrich the simple ideas in tranquility. It was the faculty of the divine state before the birth. Spontaneous expression of feelings.
It takes origin from emotions recollected in tranquility with the use of the memory. The poet is a moral teacher. He stands apart from men for reason of sensibility. Nature is full of life. Man and nature are inseparable part of a whole universe. Pantheism. Child father of the man. He has imagination because he had memory of his celestial state. SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE 2 faculties: Primary (common to all the people) Secondary (Poetic vision). Poetry was the product of unconscious and created a kind of ecstasy that was reproduced with the use of memory. The poet is a prophet. Nature didn't give consolation to men. Platonic theory. GEORGE GORDON (LORD BYRON) He is the model for his Byronic hero. The nature is a reflection of himself (egocentric). PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY The faculty of synthesis.

War poets: Brooke, Owen e Keats

The imagination not only reunited what the reason sets apart, it reached the universal and infinite and produces a vision of beauty and truth. He found inspiration through the immediate contact with the perception. The poetry had the capacity to reveal the order and the beauty of the Universe. “Poetry is the centre and the circumference of knowledge”. For him the poet is “the unacknowledged legislator of the world”. Through his use of imagination the poet enters into the world of the platonic ideals. Pantheism. He didn't found consolation in the nature, he found only pleasure. It is a refuge from the injustice of the external world. He looked for beauty in the form of woman. He believed that If the spirit of beauty could forever remain with his heart, man would be immortal. JOHN KEATS The imagination is a force for poetry. The poetry hadn't a didactive aim, it spring naturally from his soul. Keats didn't see any Mighty Power in nature. Spiritual (Love, Friendship etc.) and Physical (Women, Art etc.). Beauty imagined is superior to the beauty perceived.

ApprofondimentoDici di amarmi: testo, analisi e parafrasi della poesia di Keats