Sogno di una notte di mezza estate: trama

Sogno di una notte di mezza estate: trama in inglese e traduzione in italiano dell'opera di William Shakespeare (2 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di paolonoci


Sogno di una notte di mezza estate di William Shakespeare.

Riassunto in inglese. Theseus, duke of Athens, is marrying Ippolita queen of the Amazons. His adviser enters, Egeus, with his daughter Hermia. She must marry Demetrius, but it she refused because she is in love with Lysander.
But the duke tells her that if she won't marry him, she will be killed or put in a convent. She went out and meets her boy-friend, Lysander. They plan to run away and to marry in the wood with the help of Helena, a friend of Hermia, in love with Demetrius. Enter five stall-holdres, that have decided to put on a comedy for the marriage of Theseus.
They are Quince,Starveling,Bottom,Snout and Flute.The comedy they decided to put on is Pyramus and Thisbe.They divided the parts and get appointment in the wood the following day to try the comedy. Oberon sees Helena race behind Demetrius,who is looking for Hermia,and he decides to help her.  
Puck returns with the flower and tells him to put the juice in the eyes of Titania and Demetrius. Oberon puts the juice in the eyes of Titania. Enter Lysander and Hermia. They are very tired for the long walk and they decide to sleep there. Puck arrives and thinking that Lysander is Demetrius, put the juice on his eyes. Oberon puts the juice in the eyes of Titania.

Sogno di una notte di mezza estate: significato e personaggi


Enter Lysander and Hermia. They are very tired for the long walk and they decide to sleep there. Puck arrives and thinking that Lysander is Demetrius, put the juice on his eyes. Enter Bottom, Starveling, Flute, Snout, Quince. They must try the comedy. Bottom goes out from the scene and when he returns he has ass's hears. All run away and he remains alone. He is near Titania. Titania  wake up, she sees him and she fall in love with him. Hermia accuses Demetrius to have killed Lysander. Then she go away and she leaves him only. He fall asleep. Oberon puts the juice on his eyes. Lysander and Helena enter. Demetrius is waked up and sees Helena. He fall in love with her. Hermia returns and she thinks to a game of Helena. You/they quarrel and Oberon put to sleep them. Oberon brake the spell. Oberon puts to sleep Titania and Bottom and he breaks the spell. Now Oberon and Titania are friends and Bottom has returned normal.  
Theseus finds Hermia and Lysander, Helena and Demetrius. Now they are friends and there will be a triple marriage for the following day. Bottom returns to Athens and goes from his friends to begin the representation.  
After Puck enters and says that everything is a mid-summer night dream.


Riassunto in italiano. Theseus, duca di Atene, deve sposare Ippolita, regina delle Amazzoni. Entra il suo consigliere, Egeus, con sua figlia Hermia. Lei deve sposare Demetrius, ma si rifiuta perchè innamorata di Lysander. Ma il duca dice a lei che se non sposerà lui verrà uccisa o messa in un convento.Lei scappa e incontra il suo fidanzato Lysander.Insieme progettano di fuggire e di sposarsi insieme nel bosco con l'aiuto di Helena, una amica di Hermia, innamorata di Demetrius.  
Entrano cinque stall-holdre, che hanno deciso di mettere su una commedia per il matrimonio di Theseus. Loro sono Quince,Starveling,Bottom,Snout e Flute.La commedia da rappresentare è Pyramus e Thisbe.Loro si dividono le parti e si danno appuntamento nel bosco di notte per provare la commedia.  
Entrano Puck e Fairy, due folletti.Parlano tra di loro del litigio tra Oberon, re delle fate, e Titania, regina delle fate e sua sposa.Loro litigano per avere un ragazzetto indiano come paggio.Oberon chiama Puck e ordina a lui di portare un fiore chiamato love-in-idleness e di spremere il succo negli occhi di Titania per farla innamorare di Oberon e avere così ciò che vuole.