Grammatica inglese
Grammatica inglese:first, second and third conditionals e concessive clause (formato word pg 1) (0 pagine formato doc)
FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD CONDITIONALS FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD CONDITIONALS .-FIRST CONDITIONAL=to talk about events which are possible (della realtà) IF CLAUSE=IF+PRESENT SIMPLE MAIN CLAUSE(FRASE PRINCIPALE)=WILL+INFINITO -SECOND CONDITIONAL=for unlikely situations in the present or future(della possibilità=può essere possibile oppure no) IF CLAUSE=IF+PAST SIMPLE MAIN CLAUSE=WOULD -THIRD CONDITIONAL=to talk about an event or situation that did not happen in the past(dell'irrealtà) IF CLAUSE=IF+PAST PERFECT(HAD+PP) MAIN CLAUSE=WOULD+PRESENT PERFECT(WOULD+HAVE+PP) CONCESSIVE CLAUSE A) DESPITE/IN SPITE OF Sono unite ai sostantivi oppure al gerundio(-ing form); vogliono dire nonostante, nonostante il fatto che.
ESEMPI: 1)despite the rain 2)in spite of his character 3)despite/in spite of the fact that(il fatto che) 4)despite his wanting(la sua volontà)to go(di andare)to the cinema 5)despite wanting(volesse)to see him again, she refused to reply to his letters B) 1)EVEN IF/THOUGH Even if vuol dire perfino se, perfino a certe condizioni la cosa accade o può accadere. 2)ALTHOUGH/THOUGH Although è più formale di though. Ambedue le tipologie vanno unite al verbo. Even if/even though vanno spesso all'inizio di frase, mentre although e though vanno spesso nella seconda parte della frase. ESEMPI: a)Even if I was rich I wouldn't buy a Ferrari. b)Even if I risk my life I go there anyway. c)I didn't pass my exam although I studied. d)I must study though I'm tired.