Isole britanniche
Le isole britanniche, brevissima descrizione (formato word pg 1) (0 pagine formato doc)
The British Isles The British Isles The British Isles are situated in the Atlantic Ocean .
The main islands are Britain and Ireland . Britain is divided into three regions : England , Scotland and Wales . Ireland is divided into two countries : Northern Ireland and EIRE . The British climate is usually very changeable . The UK is the union of England , Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland and London is the capital . EIRE is an independent Republic . Dublin is the capital of the Republic of Ireland . Pronuncia : Isles = Ils . Ocean = Oscean . Islands = Ilends . Divided = DivIdid . Regions = Regions . Countries = Cantries . Climate = ClImate . Usually = Yousually . Changeable = Chengeble . Republic = Repablic . Dublin = Dablin . Copyright Suardi Davide e rispettivi proprietari.