letteratura inglese per compito in classe
sunto di letteratura inglese per compito in classe. (1 pag., formato word) (0 pagine formato doc)
A poetic text is a complex reality with visual qualities, musical qualities and linguistic aspects, all of which need to be considerated A poetic text is a complex reality with visual qualities, musical qualities and linguistic aspects, all of which need to be considered.
The visual form the poem takes on the page is called lay-out. It signals to the reader that the text is a poem because it follows a number of typographical conventions which are peculiar to poetry. Here are the most frequent. Words are arranged into lines which usually don't cover the whole page as in prose. Lines are grouped together. Each group is separated from the next by a space. Such groups are called stanzas. Lines usually begin with a capital letter Some lines may be indented. As regards sound, lines in a poem can come close to the condition of music through several devices, such as rhyme and stress. Lines rhyme when their last syllables make the same sound. It is sound, not spelling that determines rhyme: in Dreams “die” rhymes with “fly” and “go” with “snow”. Stress is another powerful device that in poetry can generate musical effects. Stressed and unstressed syllables can alternate in a line in several combinations which are called by different names. The pattern unstress-stress is called iambic and it is the most common pattern in English poetry. Also language in poetry needs close analysis because it is carefully chosen and arranged in order to establish meaningful connections, introduce images and generate a design of words and structures. Repetition can stress key words or concepts and add to the musical qualities of the text. All these features make the language of poetry different from ordinary language. To identify the characteristics of a poetic text at visual level, sound level, and language level is only the initial move in the analysis of a poem. Two more moves are necessary. The first is to recognise and explain what part each characteristic plays in conveying the poem's meaning - in other words, what functions they serve. The second is to see how level interacts with the other and how all contribute to the expression of the poem's main idea. Though in the course of the analysis you take the next to pieces, the poems remain intact. A poetic text is not a sum of fragments but an organic unit where the elements interact with one another and with the reader to generate meaning. A traditional poem has a number of formal features which enable us to describe it as different from prose. Of the many recurrent features a poem may have, rhyme and rhythm are about the sound patterns of a poetic text. Rhyme is a sound pattern which involves regular repetition of consonant and vowel sounds. Rhymes may form a wide range of musical designs within a poem. The sound pattern they create is called rhyme scheme and can be identified by using letters of the alphabet. Another sound pattern is alliteration which is the repetition