Midsummer night's dream(sogno di una notte di mezz'estate)
Atto primo, scena uno di una delle opere più famose di Shakespeare, con traduzione a fianco delle parole più difficili(formato word pg 1) (0 pagine formato doc)
THE PERSONS OF THE PLAY A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM (sogno di una notte di mezz'estate) THE PERSONS OF THE PLAY -THESEUS, Duke of Athens -HIPPOLYTA, Queen of the Amazons, betrothed (fidanzata) to Theseus -EGEUS, an old man, father to Hermia -LYSANDER, young gentleman , in love with Hermia -DEMETRIUS, young gentleman , in love with Hermia -PHILOSTRATE, master of the revels to Theseus (maestro delle cerimonie di Teseo) -HERMIA, (short and dark) , daughter to Egeus, in love with Lysander -HELENA (tall and fair=bella), in love with Demetrius -PETER QUINCE, a carpenter (falegname) -NICK BOTTOM, a weaver (tessitore) -FRANCIS FLUTE, a bellows-mender (aggiustamantici) -TOM SNOUT, a tinker (calderaio) -ROBIN STARVELING, a tailor (sarto) -SNUG, a joiner (falegname addetto alle congiunture) -OBERON, King of the Faires (fate) -TITANIA, Queen of the Faires -ROBIN GOODFELLOW, THE PUCK (folletto maligno) -PEASEBLOSSOM, COBWEB, MOTH, MUSTARDSEED, faires ACT I, SCENE ONE The hall in the palace of Duke Theseus.On one side a small platform with two chairs of state; on the other side a hearth (focolare); at the back doors to right and left, the wall between them opening out into a lobby (corridoio).
CHARACTERS (PERSONAGGI)=Theseus, ippolyta, Egeus, Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius, Helena. [Theseus and Hippolyta enter and take their seats, followed by Philostrate and attendants]. THESEUS:Now fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour draws on apace (arriva in fretta): four happy days bring (portano) in another moon: but O, methinks (penso) how slow this old moon wanes (cala)!She lingers (attarda) my desires, like to a step-dame (matrigna), or a dowager (vedova nubile), long withering (inaridita) out (da) a young man's revenue (entrata). HIPPOLYTA:Four days will quickly steep (immergono) themselves in night: Four nights will quickly dream away the time:and then the moon, like to a silver bow (arco d'argento) new-bent (appena teso) in heaven (cielo), shall behold (contemplerà) the night of our solemnities. THESEUS:Go, Philostrate,stir up (solleva) the Athenian youth (gioventù) to merriments (allegria), awake (risveglia) the pert (vivace) and nimble (agile) spirit of mirth (allegria), turn (ricaccia) melancholy (malinconia) forth (innanzi) to funerals:the pale (pallido) companion (compagno) is not for our pomp.[PHILOSTRATE bows (si inchina) and departs]. Hippolyta, I wooed (corteggiai) thee (te) with my sword (spada), and won thy (tuo) love doing thee injuries:but I will wed (sposerò) thee in another key (chiave), with pomp (cortei), with triumph, and with revelling (divertimento).