Robinson Crusoe di Daniel Defoe: riassunto in inglese

Breve riassunto in inglese del libro "Robinson Crusoe" di Daniel Defoe (1 pagine formato doc)

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Robinson Crusoe 1719 Daniel Defoe. Robinson was born in 1632 in York, from a good family and was a dreaming youth.
He escape from home when he is 18, gets on a ship, meets with a tempest, goes back to G.

B., gets on another ship, arrives in Africa and becomes a trader.
- During his 2nd journey to Guinea he is made prisoner by pirates and becomes a slave. He escapes with on other young slave, Xuri, and, after many adventures along the African coasts, he is taken aboard Portuguese ship that is going to Brazil.
- In Brazil Robinson works hard, then he buys plantation and becomes a rich man in 4 years. He goes back to Guinea to buy negro slaves but shipwrecks near French Guyenne.
The ship is stuck not far from the beach so R., the only survivor, builds a raft to get back to the beach all he can.


- He builds a shelter against beasts and savages. He sums up his situation, makes his shelter comfortable, writes a diary, explores the island.
- First he speaks with a dog, then with a parrot, then his solitude becomes harder and harder to bear, until he realizes that the island is visited by savages cannibals. He fortifies his shelters and, one day, he rescues a savage from a horrid fate.
- He calls him Man Friday and teach him to call him master, but soon Friday becomes his disciple and his friend. Finally, after saving Friday’s father, too, Robinson helps the captain of a Spanish ship to regain his ship against mutineers. He will leave these on the island together with other Spanish man freed from another island. He leaves the island on December 12th, 1686.

Robinson Crusoe: analisi


- He returns in England on 11/6/1687 with Friday. All his previous fiends have kept his money for him. He gets married and has three children. When his wife dies he goes back to travelling. He returns on “his” island to see if it is prospering and announces new adventures.

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