Il Medioevo in inglese: riassunto
Riassunto in inglese del periodo medievale (1 pagine formato doc)
The chronological limits of Middle Ages (Medioevo) are 449 when the Angles, Saxons and Jutes invaded the Britain, and 1485 when the house of
Tudor begins to rule England.
The Old English period starts in 449 when the tribes of the Jutes from Denmark and of the Angles and Saxons from Northern Germany started to invade Britain defeating the original Celtic people. The country was divided into seven kingdoms. Anglo-Saxon society was based on the family unit which branched out to the clan, the tribe and the kingdom. The code of values was based on courage, loyalty of the people to their ruler and the generosity of the ruler to them. Towards the end of 6th century Christianity began to spread and Saint Agustine established a monastery at Canterbury; it brought
written documents. The culture of this period was a fusion of two alien components: one, the language, literary forms of North Germany; the other the
moral values of Rome. The Anglo-Saxon culture was a military culture based on the practice of war. The Norman period starts in 1066 when the Normans invaded England whit the battle of Hastings.
The Normans imposed the French language and until the 14th century in England were spoken three languages: French among the nobility, Latin among the clergy and the English among the common people.
The Church controlled money, men and land; the conflict between Church and State became inevitable and the Archbishop of Canterbury was murderer. In the 13th century feudalism began to decline and in 1215 King John to sign Magna Carta.In 1381 the discontent began to grow among the poor and there is the Pesants' Revolt. Abroad there was the Hundred years' war (1337-1453).
Il Medioevo: cronologia
After there is the War of the roses between the house of Lancaster and the house of Yorke. “War of roses” (Guerra delle due rose) because the emblems of two houses are a white rose and a red rose. The end of conflict saw the union of the feuding families and the foundation of the Tudor line on the English throne. The social system was based on birth, profession and the other factors. At the top of the social scale was the nobility and below them were
the knights. Next, traders and freeman; at the bottom were the villeins.
The womans were inferior to men, their duty was to cook food for the family and keep the house in good order.