Gli Hannover
Note in lingua inglese con traduzione sugli Hannover,dinastia reale tedesca che governò il Ducato di Brunswick-Lüneburg, il Regno di Hannover, il Regno di Gran Bretagna ed Irlanda (2 pagine formato doc)
first Hanoverians
The Restoration of the monarchy
The republic of the Commonwealth lasted from 1649 to 1660; in that year the Parliament invited Charles II (the son of Charles I) to turn back in England as king from his exile in France. The English population in fact was oppressed by Puritan's strict rules and wanted a different life-style.
Charles II's court was the most immoral in English history, and when England was struck by the bubonic plague and the Great Fire, the Puritans affirmed that it was a God's punishment for the king's immorality. In fact in 1665 England was struck by the bubonic plague, which killed 100.000 (one hundred thousand) people, and in the following year, 1666, a big part of London was destroyed by a Great Fire in only 4 days.
The Glorious Revolution
Charles II and his successor James II refused to collaborate with the Parliament, like the previous king Charles I, and they summoned it only to ask for money.
The Parliament reaffirmed its power and its importance only in 1688 with the Glorious Revolution. It was a bloodlessness event, during which James II was dethroned and the Parliament invited in England William of Orange and his wife Mary Stuart as new monarchs. Mary Stuart was James II's next-of-kin, because she was his niece.
William and Mary were the only monarchs in English history to reign together as king and queen in the same time. When Mary died, William continued to reign as king, but after his death in 1702 he was succeeded by Mary's sister, queen Ann.
Ann was the last Stuart's monarch, and when she died in 1714 the Stuart's dynasty finished.
The Restoration of the monarchy
The republic of the Commonwealth lasted from 1649 to 1660; in that year the Parliament invited Charles II (the son of Charles I) to turn back in England as king from his exile in France. The English population in fact was oppressed by Puritan's strict rules and wanted a different life-style.
Charles II's court was the most immoral in English history, and when England was struck by the bubonic plague and the Great Fire, the Puritans affirmed that it was a God's punishment for the king's immorality. In fact in 1665 England was struck by the bubonic plague, which killed 100.000 (one hundred thousand) people, and in the following year, 1666, a big part of London was destroyed by a Great Fire in only 4 days.
The Glorious Revolution
Charles II and his successor James II refused to collaborate with the Parliament, like the previous king Charles I, and they summoned it only to ask for money.
The Parliament reaffirmed its power and its importance only in 1688 with the Glorious Revolution. It was a bloodlessness event, during which James II was dethroned and the Parliament invited in England William of Orange and his wife Mary Stuart as new monarchs. Mary Stuart was James II's next-of-kin, because she was his niece.
William and Mary were the only monarchs in English history to reign together as king and queen in the same time. When Mary died, William continued to reign as king, but after his death in 1702 he was succeeded by Mary's sister, queen Ann.
Ann was the last Stuart's monarch, and when she died in 1714 the Stuart's dynasty finished.