John Keats: riassunto

Vita e opere di John Keats. Riassunto in inglese su John Keats, tratto dal libro Only Connect (2 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di andrealc


John Keats (1795 – 1821).

Life and works - Keats is the greatest member of the second generation of romantic poets, because he was able to fuse the romantic passion and the cold Neo-classicism.
-    He was born in London from an humble but comfortable family.
-    Despite passing his exams to become an apothecary-surgeon, he had passion for reading and poetry and soon become an acquaintance of the leading writers artists; he appeared in 1818 with the mythological poem Endymion.
-    His mother and brother died and he fell in love with Fanny Brawne, but poverty, his bad health and his religion pursuit of poetry made marriage impossible.
-    During the following year he wrote a series of masterful poems:
- The Eve of St Agnes
- Ode to Nightingale, Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode on Melancholy.
- La Belle Dame sans Merci
- Hyperion.

Keats: imagination and Ode on a Grecian urn


In 1820 he travelled to Italy to recover his health but he died in Rome and he was buried in the Protestant cemetery.
The substance of his poetry.

Unlike other Romantic poets he devoted only a small part of his energies to the poetic form of subjective writing, personal experience is always behind the odes and not their substance; so the poetical personal pronoun “I” stands for a universal human being.
The common Romantic tendency to identify landscapes with subjective moods and emotions is rarely presented in his poetry.
The role of imagination. He had a belief in the supreme value of the Imagination. In the first period the world of his poetry is artificial but then Keat’s poetry stems from imagination in the sense that a great deal of his work is a vision of what he would like human life to be like.


Beauty: the central theme of his poetry. The contemplation of beauty is the central theme, inspired by the classical Greek world. To him the expression of beauty is the ideal of all art and the world of Greek beliefs live again in his verse, recreated with the eyes of a Romantic.
Physical beauty and spiritual beauty. Physical beauty (mutable) is caught by the senses in all forms nature acquires, in the colours, in the sweetness, in a woman. When beauty produces a much deeper experience of joy, it is spiritual beauty (immortal).
Thus physical beauty is mutable and is linked to life, enjoyment, decay and death; while spiritual beauty is immortal.

ApprofondimentoDici di amarmi: testo, analisi e parafrasi della poesia di Keats