American dream: significato e storia

Riassunto in inglese sulla nascita e lo sviluppo del sogno americano: significato e storia (1 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di lenax89


The origin of the American Dream comes against deportation from the model of the Old World to the government and economy.

This allowed freedom never experienced before, especially the possibility of a significant social mobility upwards. In addition, the American War of Independence until the last half of the nineteenth century, many of the resources were free and generated pledges of land and investments in fortunate lands or industries. The development of the Industrial Revolution combined with the great continent of the vast natural resources not yet fully colonized created the opportunity to improve their social condition.
Many of the early American entrepreneurs headed west toward the Rocky Mountains, where they could buy low price many acres of land, in the hope of finding deposits of gold. The American Dream was a primary factor not only for the "rush" of mid nineteenth century, but also in subsequent waves of immigration that marked that century and the next.

Tesina maturità su American dream


In Europe, crises like the great Irish famine, the exodus of the Highlands of Scotland and the consequences of the Napoleonic regime drove many of the poorest in Europe to go to America, to overcome their low living standards and enjoy extensive freedom of economic Constitutional and offers from America.
In the middle of the nineteenth century arrived in the United States a considerable number of immigrants from China and Japan, all in search of the American Dream.

This phenomenon led to the formation of many neighborhoods Chinese (the so-called Chinatown), in major cities like San Francisco and New York City. Many of these immigrants worked in the Far East as laborers to the implementation of the First Transcontinental Railroad.
During the second half of the nineteenth century, the prolific writer Horatio Alger became famous for his novels that idealized the American Dream. His stories of the poor and marginalized, and through their efforts could gain wealth and success, helped the establishment of the American Dream in popular culture.
As the twentieth century, the great personalities of the industry became the new icons of the American Dream, since many of them had come to control large industries and immense capital although they come from low social status; famous examples of this are found in capitalist Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller.

Tesina maturità sull'America


The acquisition of a substantial welfare showed that, having talent, intelligence and perseverance to work hard, it was possible to succeed in life.
Throughout the nineteenth century, immigrants fled the monarchies of Western Europe, whose post-feudal economy, characterized by heavy taxation, poor oppressed class and stifled development, while 'American economy was built by people who were consciously free of these constraints.
Who arrived in the New World brought with him the hope of equality.

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