Business organisation

Inglese commerciale: elenco e spiegazione (in inglese) dei termini più usati nella business organisation (0 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di sofrada
BUSINESS ORGANISATIONS BUSINESS ORGANISATIONS Board of directors (consiglio di amministrazione) Managing director (Direttore generale) Most important decision in the business Sales manager, Marketing Manager, Human resource manager, Purchasing manager(direttore resp.acquisti),Production Manager, Finance manager.
A MANAGING DIRECTORS takes importants decisions, he is responsible for the business and he coordinates the work of the different managers. SALES MANAGER: involved in selling what the company produces or manifactures MARKETING DEPARTMENT: Is responsible for market research, advertising and distribution PURCHASING DEPARTMENT: is responsible for buying what the company needs. It's managed by the chief buyer HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT: handles the administration for the staff by recruiting and firing PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT: turns the raw materials into finished products FINANCE DEPARTMENT: deals with the financial resources of the company, the staff's wages and the billing SOLE TRADER: is the simples type of business; Is composed by one person and the owner has unlimited liability.
PARTNERSHIP: are composed of at 2 or more partners. A)Unlimited partnership:all partners have unlimited liability. B)Limited partnership: at least one partner must have unlimited liability(unlimited partner),all the others have limited liability(limited partners) LIMITED COMPANIES: are composed of at least 2 shareholders. Public limited companies(plc/srl) they cannot be quoted on the Stock Exchange, their shares can only be sold with the agreement of all the shareholders. Public limited companies(ltd/spa) they can be quoted on the stock Exchange, their shares can be sold with no restrictions. FRANCHISING: is a business system in which a company offers someone the right to use its trade name and to sell its products. THE FRANCHISOR: is the business that offers someone the possibility to use its trade name and to sells its products; ADVANTAGES: he has to invest little capital in distribution outlets, he receives an initial payment and a percentage of the franchisee's annual profits. THE FRANCHISEE: acquires the right to use somebody else's trade name and to sells his products. ADVANTAGES: he receives the shop furniture in the company style, marketing support, training and commercial advice from the franchisor, he doesn't need to invest money in advertising campaigns if the franchisor's trade name is famous. A LICENSOR: is who sells for a licence fee a designs, patents and expertise of a licensee. ADVANTAGES: is than a company can export marketable technology in return for the payment of royalties. A LICENSEE: he can earn money thanks to a well -known product. JOINT VENTURES: is a business formed by two or more companies. Each company invest some capital in the venture, the cost and profits are shared in agreed proportions. A VERTICAL A HORIZONTAL/LATERAL A CONGLOMERATE COOPERATIVES: are business organisations where all employees have a vote,no matter how much work or