L'educazione in Inghilterra

Il sistema scolastico inglese, appunti (2 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di valevavi


Education in England.

•    From 5 to 16: compulsory education;
•    -State school (state funds)
   -Private school (independent; very expensive)
State school
•    Primary school (from 5 to 11):
-infant (from 5 to 8)
-junior (from 8 to 11)
•    Secondary school (from 11 to 16), the most common is “comprehensive school” [“grammar school” similar to “liceo classico”];
•    Sixth form (from 16 to 18), further education: voluntary;

Private school (independent, some of these school are boarding school=”convitti”)
•    Pre-prep and pre(aratory) school (from 5 to 13);
•    Public school (from 13 to 18, “scuola superiore”), independent.

Tema sull'educazione


attend = frequentare
funds = fondi
compulsory = obbligatorio
take an exam = fare un esame
(to) last = durare
stay on = rimanere
