Il fantasma di Canterville: riassunto del capitolo 3

Riassunto in inglese del capitolo 3 de Il fantasma di Canterville di Oscar Wilde (1 pagine formato doc)

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Il fantasma di Canterville di Oscar Wilde.

Capitolo 3. Chapter 3 - For therest of the week they were undisturbed by the ghost. The only thing they notied was that the bloodstain was back every morning and the colour of the stain changed every mornig. Some times it was a dull red, then it will be a bright red then rich purple and once it was a bight green. The family amusedfor this; the only person who didn’t find this funny was the little Virginia.
The second apearance  of the ghost was on Sunday night.
Not long after they had gone to bed they were alarmed by a crash in the hall, they found an armour had fallen on the fallen.
Sitting in a sixteenth-century chair was the canterville ghost with an expression of geat pain. The twins shot at him.
Than he gave his famous “devil’s laught” but the only effect was that Mrs Otis gave him a bottle of Dr Dobell’s mixture it was an excellent cure for stomach trouble.
The ghost was distressed because he didn’t wear his armour.

Il fantasma di Canterville: scheda libro


For some days after thishe was very hill. For his Third appearance he choose friday, seventeenth august.
His plain was to start with Washington because he knew that it was Washington that regularly cleaned the bloodstain in the library.
He would make ghost noises at him, then cut his head to the sound of low music.
He would then go to the room of the Ambassador.he would place a death-could handon Mrs Otis’s face while he told into her husband’s ear the fearful secret of the grave.
He hadn’t quite decided about little Virginai, but he was quite determinated to teach the twins a lesson.he would stand between their beds in the form of a green icy-cold dead body. Then he would move around the room in his famous “skeleton Dance”.
Near Washington’s room he saw a ghostly figure with a notice on it.
He had never seen a ghost before! He went back to his rom but after he decided to go and speak to the other ghost.
He took it in his arms but the head fell off and the body came to pecies, he saw a pumpinkand a broomstick on the floor: he knew he had been ticked.