Rinascimento inglese e Shakespeare: riassunto

Breve descrizione in lingua inglese del Rinascimento inglese e le sue caratteristiche, con particolare attenzione alla nascita del teatro (The English Theatre, Elizabethan theatre) e alla figura di Shakespeare. Riassunto sul Rinascimento inglese e su Shakespeare (2 pagine formato doc)

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The English renaissance covers the years from 1509 to 1660. in the 1509 there was the ascent to the throne of Henry VIII. The English renaissance developed later than the other state European, and it was an original, typically English movement.
On the new literature there was the “new learning”, called also humanism, was put in the Grammar Schools all over the country and in the 2 university of Oxford and Cambridge. Renaissance man pictured the universal order under the forms of a chain and a cosmic dance.
Henry VII when the wars of the roses ended, was the first king of the Tudor dynasty.
During his reign he made the monarchy, and his policy aimed at making England’ trading position stronger.


Henry VIII, succeeded his father, and the main event during his reign was the reformation. Henry broke with the church of Rome and declared himself “supreme head of the church” in England. So the social charities, school and hospital disappeared, but Ireland remained a catholic country.
The daughter of Henry and Chaterine of Aragon was Mary I and when she became Queen repealed(abroga) anti-catholic legislation and revived(riprende) catholic practice.   
Elizabeth, daughter of Henry VIII and Anne, became queen in 1558. she had a strong personality, she had received a very good education and she could speak French, Latin, Italian. After 20 years of religious discard and economic depression, the country needed order and harmony. Her court was brilliant. Elizabeth was unmarried and used this as a political weapon(arma), in fact she used to say that “ queen was married to her people”.

Il Rinascimento: riassunto in inglese


With the death of Elizabeth, James VI of Scotland became the first Stuart king in England, and the religion was the most urgent problem of the new reign: he was protestant and he based his rule on the theory of the “divine right of king”, in the belief that, as the monarch, he was the representative of God on earth.
In 1620 the pilgrim fathers left England for America on the Mayflowers and founded new Playmounth. During the same period the east India Company set up trading places in India and in the region, called now Indonesia.  
THEATRE. The Elizabethan theatre fell the effects of the influence of classical and medieval tradition. Frome the medieval tradition came features found in the new theatre:
-    the tendency to represent allegorical characters and situation
-    scene of caricature and realistic comedy
-    the mixture(mescolanza) of comedy and tragedy
-    the concept of mutability of fortune and the influence of stars.

William Shakesperare: riassunto della vita e opere


The English theatre is characterized by:
-    the Italian commedia dell’arte
-    the work of Machiavelli in the display of horrors, crimes, vice and corruption and the public very liked these themes
-    Greek theatre in the celebration of English history
-    The latin poet and philosopher Seneca in the division of the play into five acts
-    The Spanish tragedy
The greatest resources of the Elizabethan drama were unequalled(disuguale) adaptability of its structure: the style of speech and the choice of themes.
Until the built of the first permanent theatre in London in 1576, Elizabethan players had no stable home.