Schema su tutti i tempi futuri della lingua inglese

Schema su tutti i tempi futuri della lingua inglese, con esempi (0 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di giorgiagrisendi
Previsioni, intuizioni soggettive (in base alle nostre conoscenze)
-This medicine will make you feel sleepy
-You’ll feel better when you have had a good night’s rest
-I expect it will rain tomorrow

Offerte e rifiuti
-I’ll meet you at the station if you want
-Shall I meet you at the station?
-I’ll give you a lift, if you like

-If you tell anyone, I’ll kill you
-I promise I’ll pay the money back

-Will you do the washing-up for me?

Decisioni prese sul momento
-I think I’ll give up smoking
-I’ll wear my black dress
-It’s cold, I’ll shut the window