Shakespeare: riassunto in inglese

Breve riassunto in inglese della vita dell'autore e delle sue principali opere: Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Macbeth, The merchant of Venice and poems (2 pagine formato doc)

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Shakespeare (1564-1616): He is considered the most important playwright in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I.

He didn't frequent the group of University Wits: for this reason they think that he wasn't learned enough to have written his plays. According to some people, works attributed to Shakespeare, were written by other cultured men, like Francis Bacon, a politic man and philosopher, or the dramatist Marlowe, who wouldn't be killed in the tavern, but would have continued writing. These theories are only suppositions.In fact, when he was in London, he improved his limited education received at school, reading authors as Plutarch, Seneca and others.


Shakespeare began writing, really when the theatre had already developed into a perfect structure: in this way the story of theatre got ready to welcome his art and his many-sides genius.

However the poems and plays which have come down to us with his name are the most important thing, because provide of the most wonderful pages in world of literature. PLAYS During Shakespeare's time, it was possibile to copy the works of other writers without legal consequences for the absence of copyright. Even Shakespeare borrowed the plots of his works from different kinds of sources. In spite of that the original material was transformed with his poetry, assuming new values and meanings.

Hamlet: simple summary


Since Shakespeare's plays weren't published, they often circulated in versions not authorized, called “bad quartos”. These quartos presented many mistake, and for this reason two friends of Shakespeare decided to publish the first collected editino of Shakespeare's plays called “ First Folio”. This collection was printed and divided into three sections as “Comedies, Histories and Tragedies”. The plays of the Folio edition weren't grouped chronologically: for this reason the critics take three types of evidence into consideration , trying to go back to dates of each play: -Internal references - passages or sentences of the plays referring to contemporary events. -External references- references to Shakespeare's plays container in the works of the other writers. -Literary evidence - the style, the characterization, the plot and the metrical skill of the different plays. It is possibile to identify 4 periods in his artistic production.


This 4 group division is probably imperfect. It is quite impossible to sum up the characteristics of Shakespeare's drama. Certainly his works present common features with other playwrights of his time,such as the tendency to mix tragic and comic elements, the failure to respect the three unities. JULIUS CAESAR This play is based on Plutarch's Lives, and tells how, on the Ides of March of 44 B.C. after returning from the successful campaign against Pompey, Julius Caesar was killed by a group of conspirators including Brutus. After the murder, Brutus speaks to the crowd to justify his deed, and manages to obtain their approval. He then allows.

While in Julius Caesar and in Hamlet Shakespeare focuses his attention on one individual in particolar, the dramatist in Macbeth concentrates on a couple and analyses the relationship between them.
The plot of Macbeth, the shortest of Shakespeare’s plays, was taken from the second edition of Holinshed’s Chronicles. The tragic history of Macbeth, which some interpreted as a homage to James I, was a pretext to inquire once more into the human soul and analyse another of its facets: the force of ambition. The turning point of the tragedy is obviously the murder of Duncan, king of Scotland, in the second act. In this work Shakespeare combines psychological insight and technical skill, mixing tragic and comic elements together.