The edwardian age, first and second world war: riassunto

the edwardian age, First world war and Second world war. Riassunto del periodo storico dell'età edoardiana (2 pagine formato docx)

Appunto di deviljulio


The Edwardian age.

When Queen Victoria died, Edward VII took the crown. He gave the name to the period, though he ruled for 9 years, Edwardian age, that was contrary to the Victorian one, infact in the end of that period many movement were born (for instance the aestheticism).
In this period there were many changes: Edward had Buckingham Palace redecorated, he was fascinated by car races, that his mother hated.
He was also a business man, infact he signed an agreement called Entente Cordiale with the France, according to which Britain could expand in Egypt and France in Morocco. This agreement put the base for the institution of the Triple Entente, formed by England, France and Russia.

The Edwardian Age: riassunto


Concerning the social aspect, the government adopted the politic of laissez-faire and self-help, but when Lloyd George became the Chancellor of Exchequer in charge of the country’s finances, he introduced the New Liberalism, which helped children, with the obligatory instruction, medical inspections in school; old people and jobless with some benefits, that aggravated upon the state. So the conservatives wanted to stop his politic, so Lloyd instituted the Parliament Act (1911) which stated that the elections would be done each 5 years.
During this period women couldn’t vote yet so two sisters, the Pankhurst (the suffragettes) , started a revolutionary movement. They broke windows, hit policemen. So in 1918 women older than 30 years could vote, and in 1928 all the women older than 18.
Since the instruction level was higher, the Times was replaced by the Daily Mail, a cheaper newspaper, with simple words and short articles, addressed to the working class.

The Modern age: riassunto


Concerning the transport, it was introduces the underground with the electricity (1910), used most of all by workers. It was introduced also in 1926 a broadcast system, the British Broadcasting Corporation.
After Edward VII, his son took the crown, George V, and then his son, Edward VIII, that abdicated in favour of his brother, George VI, because he fell in love with a divorced American woman.
In 1939 a revolution broke out against Francisco Franco, supported by Hitler and Mussolini. The England supported the Spanish revolutionary movement, and so also some intellectuals as Orwell or Hemingway.
In 1916 the Ireland tried to conquer the independence on Easter Monday. The rebellion was sedated but it led to the constitution of an Irish parliament, thanks to the Ourselves alone party (born in Berlin). In 1921 the IRA (Irish Republican Army) established the Irish Free State in the south of the Ireland, in which there were most of all Catholics, instead the Ulster, the Protestant part, remained part of the England. In 1949 the Ireland acquired the complete Independence.


Victorian Age: after Queen Victoria riassunto