The english renaissance: riassunto
il Rinascimento Inglese dal contesto storico agli eventi fondamentali, passando per la presentazione dei principali protagonisti della casa reale britannica in quel periodo (4 pagine formato pdf)
The English Renaissance (E.R.), which occurred in the 15th century, saw an amazing explosion of individual expression, particularly in the arts, at a time of great political instability which followed centuries of religious dominance; this happened because arts were means to show wealth and power, so the I.
princes and the Pope became mecenates. The English Renaissance, took place in the 16th century and was better integrated in the cultural and social life of England, where the power of the Church was gradually diminishing also thanks to the Reformation. More than encouraging individual genius, English Renaissance encouraged the spread of learning, and is therefore remembered as the beginning of the road towards progress. It is also worth remembering that many countries started their exploration and expansionist policies of countries in Africa, Asia and the Americas. After Columbus’s discovery of America and Magellan’s circumnavigation of the Globe, the Spanish starting conquering the Americas and oppressing their inhabitants as well as plundering their treasures.English Renaissance: riassunto in inglese
During the reign of Elizabeth I, some English adventurers such as John Hawkins and Francis Drake started selling African slaves and robbing Spanish returning treasure ships. At the time, the Queen tacitly supported English pirates and started building her own fleet, which defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588: this victory proved that Britain was the world’s leading naval power and a rising empire. With the conquest S., P., E. and H. became richer. The Monarchy, especially in S., used the gold for build an army/fleet, enriching the middle class, which worked to the construction (mercantile) and lent the King money to finance it (bankers).
Riassunto in inglese del Rinascimento
The bourgeois usually gave their daughter as wife to another merchant or banker or, at the best, to a nobleman; the 1st son kept on the father's activity; the 2nd and possibly the others were sent to a lay school, where teaching was free from religious influence. Most of their study was directed towards the past rather than forward, in particular to the civilization of ancient Greece, whose achievements in science and in the arts had been ignored for centuries by the Catholic Church. It's important remember that lay Uni were sponsored by the King.