T.S. Eliot: riassunto in inglese
Breve riassunto in inlgese della vita e le opere principali del poeta Thomas Stearns Eliot (3 pagine formato doc)
Eliot was born in the Unit States of America from a family of british origin and in 1927 he converted himself to anglicanism, because he wanted to come back to his original backgraund.
His conversion is the end of the search for a fixed and estabilished point of view; but it is, above all, the end of his development from despair to faith.
they can be divided into two periods: before and after his conversion to anglicanism. The first ones are characterized by a pessimistic vision of the world, without any hope, faith and values; the seconds by hope, joy and purification.
The first phase of the Eliot’s poetry is given by the theme of the loneliness of the man, abandoned by a God in which he doesn't believe anymore, extraneous to the society that surrounds him. The picture of a society in decadence, deprived of ethic, incapable to act, alienated.
His main work, before his conversion, is “the waste land” (1922): it talk about the failure of man to find a reason to live. The aridity of the land is a symbol of the aridity in the life of a man without God. Its poetry describes a world deprive of meaning, in which it doesn't follow the birth of new certainties to the collapse of the traditional values.
This work expresses vividly his conception of the sterility of modern society in contrast with societies of the past. Eliot believed that modern society lacked a vital sense of community. The waste land of the poem is modern European culture, which had come too far from its spiritual roots. In Eliot's poem, human beings are isolated. Because of the variety and relative obscurity of Eliot's allusions, readers must work through the poem's footnotes several times to appreciate it, but the general impression of isolation, decadence, and sterility comes through in every reading. He received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1948.
Eliot uses myth, structuring his poem in terms of the Grail quest. Through the use of myth, he is able to make his poem more universal and give his subject the importance of an epic.
The Waste Land is engulfed in myth. However, it seems more likely that the use of myth is very deliberately used to elevate the stature of the work. It is especially through the Mythical allusion that the contrast between present and past appears: to the meaningless, to the “waste” life of the present, Eliot opposes allusion of the Holy Grail , a metaphor for men’s search for spiritual salvation. Eliot alludes to various ancient religions as well as to the medieval legend of the Holy Grail, finding in them the common thread of the mythic cycle of the death and resurrection of gods.