John Milton

Elaborato in lingua inglese su vita, opere e contesto storico in cui visse il celebre poeta inglese (1 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di francescovizz
John Milton was born London in 1608 in a well educated family; he wrote in Latin and Greek and had a good knowledge of Philosophy; he took his Master of Arts in Cambridge's college; for a period of time he considered taking religious orders, but after he decided to move back home, where he continued to study and to write.
In 1638 he visited France and Italy, but when he said the news of the Civil war in England, he returned home.

Milton also covered positions of State: when England was crossed by the civil war ,he supported with his writings the parliamentary cause; in fact he was named in the 1649 secretary of the foreign Business. Few years later, in 1652, it was stricken from blindness and to continue to write thanks to the help of a secretary.
After the restoration of Charles II, Milton was incarcerated, because sympathizer of Oliver Cromwell; however, it freed him with the influence of his friend and student Andrew Marvell (what poet was also subsequently).He spend the last years of his life to wrote his masterpieces: Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained and Sanson Agonistes. He died in 1674.

John Milton works can be divided into 3 phases:

Phase 1: When he was a student he wrote poetry in Latin and in 1629 he wrote his first masterpiece, the Ode on the Morning of Christ's nativity(a celebration of the coming of Christ and the abandonment of pagan Gods.

Milton was fascinated by Italian culture. He studied writers like Petrarch, Dante and Tasso and in 1637 he published his greatest minor poem, Lycidas (a pastor elegy).

Phase 2: In the second phase he wrote in prose; in 1643 published The doctrine and Discipline of divorce( in fact he divorced to his old wife ); One of his greatest prose works, Areopagitica, was published in 1644(things to be declared before the Areopagus , a hill in Athens where a respected council met important decisions. In the same year he wrote the Pamphlet of education (promoted the schooling education for the formation of humanistic leaders).

In 1649 he wrote The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, in which he justified the execution of Charles I; England was criticised by European countries; in reply, Milton wrote Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio and Pro Populo Anglicano Secunda Defensio(defences of People of England).