A passage to India: riassunto
indian characters; british characters. Riassunto in inglese del romanzo di Forster, A passage to India (2 pagine formato doc)
• SETTING : British- ruled India, town Chandrapure the British communities
The indian communities.
AZIZ : a doctor, worked at the local hospital (run by the British). He had lost his wife, but he was still in love with her. He had 3 children. He had some indian friends and some english friends as well. He was well educated (he had a degree in medicine and read Persian Poesy). He was very broud of being indian but he was also very eager to make friends with the British.
He was deeply religious.
Passaggio in India di Forster: analisi
Mrs Moore : was an old woman who had just arrived in Chandrepore from Britain. She had come to India to see her son, Ronny who was the city magistrate.
Adela: was Ronny’s fiancée, they were engaged. She had gone to Chandrepore to meet Ronny and she wanted to know “real India”.
Ronny: was Mrs Moore’s son
Riassunto: Two english women, the young Miss Adela and Mrs. Moore go to India. Adela is engaged to Mrs. Moore’s son, Ronny, a British magistrate in the indian city of Chandrapore. Adela and Mrs. Moore hope to see the real India during their visit, rather than cultural istitutions imported by the British.
At the same time, Aziz, a young muslim doctor in India.
One night, Mrs Moore and Aziz meet each other, by chance, in a local mosque, and the two become friends. Aziz is surprised that an english person would treat him like a friend.
A passage to India: riassunto e analisi
Mr. Turton, the man who governs Chandrapore, organises a party so that Adela and Mrs Moore have the opportunity to meet some of the more wealthy Indians in the city. At the party, Adela meets Cyril Fielding, the principale of the governement college in Chandrapore. Fielding, impressed by Adela’s kindness to the Indians, invited her and Mrs Moore to tea with him and the Hirdu professor Godbole. Fielding invites Aziz too.
Aziz and Fielding immediatly become friends, and the afternoon is plasant until Ronny arrives and interrupt the party. Later thet evening, Adela tells Ronny that she had decided to don’t marry him. But that night, the two have a car accident together and the event makes Adela change her mind about the marriage.
Not long afterward, Aziz organises an expedition to the Marabar caves.
Fielding and Professos Godbole miss the train. Inside one of the caves Mrs. Moore doesn’t feel well because they are in the enclosed space.