Virginia Woolf: riassunto

Riassunto in inglese della vita e opere di Virginia Woolf, il romanzo modernista e confronto tra Woolf e Joyce (2 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di aulusbaculus


Virginia Woolf.

Life and works - Virginia Woolf was born in 1882. The sea was the central to her art, as a symbol; in fact, according to Virginia water rapresent 2 things, the armony, feminine, and the possibility of the resolution of conflicts in death. The death of the mother, when Virginia was only 13, affected her deeply and she had her first nervous breakdown. She began to be in revolt against her father’s tyrannical character and his ideal of the domesticated woman.
Then she decided to move to Bloomsbury and became a member of the Bloomsbury Group, which include the avant-garde of early 20th-century London.
These writers and artists rejected the traditional morality, the artistic convention and the bourgeois sexual codes. Their reputation as a radical thinker was founded on the revolutionary stream-of-consciousness prose style developed by Virginia Woolf. Bloomsbury members defined the social, political and creative concerns of the coming mid-century: unconvetional sexual practise, anti-war sentiments and socialism.
The Voyage was Virginia’s first novel, that still followed a traditional model. In 1925 published the novel Mrs Dalloway, in which Virginia  experimented with new narrative techniques, followed by To the Lighthouse and Orlando. In A Room of One’s Own she explored many problems connected with women and writing and on the inseparable link between economic indipendence and artistc indipendence.
The Second World War increased her anxiety and fears and, at the age of 59, she drowned herself in river Ouse.

Virginia Woolf: riassunto in inglese


A modernist novelist. Virginia Woolf was interested in giving voice to the complex inner world of feeling and memory and, according to her, the human personality is a continuous shift (spostamento) of impression and emotions. The events that traditionally characterized a story  weren't important for her, but she gave importance to the impression they made on the characters who experienced them.
In her novels the omniscient narrator is not present and the point of view is internal to the characters’ mind, through flashbacks, associations of ideas, impressions presented as a continuous flux.


Woolf vs Joyce. As Joyce,  Virginia Woolf identifies subjective reality with the technique called “stream of cosciousness”. However, differently from Joyce’s characters who show their thoughts through interior monologue, in a incoherent way, Woolf never lets her characters’ thoughts without control, and maintains logical and grammatical organisation.
Her technique is based on the fusion of streams of thought into a third-person, past tense narrative. So she gives the impression of simultaneous connections between the inner and the outer world, the past and the present, speech and silence. Similar to Joyce’s “epiphanies” are Woolf’s “moments of being”, rare moments where the characters can see reality behind apparence.
While Joyce was more interested in language experimentation, Woolf’s use of words was poetic, allusive and emotional. Fluidity is the quality of the language which flows (scorre) following the most intricate thoughts.