Virginia Woolf: biografia
Virginia Woolf: biografia, opere, stile e tecnica della scrittrice principale del Modernismo (1 pagine formato doc)
Life - Virginia Woolf was born in London in 1882 from a rich family.His father was an editor of the English Dictionary of National Biography; her mother was a sensitive woman and she belonged to the aristocratic world.
Virginia was the third of four children.
The father tells her enchauting adventure stories and recite poetry.
The paradise of Virginia was Tolland House in Cornwall, her family went there every summer.
Virginia loves the ocean, the sound of the waves , the ebb and flow of the tides.
But this happy period was short.
In fact Virginia ‘s mother died and her father sold it.
When Virginia was thirteen , she suffered from depression for her mother.
In these years she read for long hours in her father’s library and began writing articles and essays.
Virginia Woolf: biografia e opere
In 1904her father died and she attemped the suicide by taking drugs.
The other children abandoneid their house at Hide Park Gate and settled in Bloomsbury.
This was a circle of intellectuals, that was an expression of the new tendencies of the first half of the twentieth century.
They were intellectually free and open minded, and refined in art and literature.
In this period Virginia also worked as a volunteer in the movement for woman’s suffrage, and she always felt the subordinate position of woman in society to be an injustice.
In 1917 the Woolfs founded the Hagarth Press, which was to publish most of Virginia’s works.
She had recurrent mental stability. When she was alone, she was overcome by anxiety and insecurity , by terror at the brevity of life.
The Second Words War increased her terror and she decided to put an and to her life.
She drowned herself in the river Ouse in 1941.
Features and Themes. In 1924 Virginia Woolf delivered a lecture entitled “Mr Bennet and Mrs Brown” , where she claimed the basis of good fiction lay and launched an attack on the Edwardians.
“Moment of being”. Moment of beings it’s a moment of utmost intensity , a moment of perception, a moment where all became important for the writer.
Technique. Following Joice in England and Proust in France, Virginia Woolf abandoned the traditional technique.
She eliminated traditional plot and direct dialogues, turning to an interior monologue.
The narrator must tells the story with objectivity without the interventions.
Use of the time. The mind has a process of its own, which obviously need different methods of narration.
Woolf tried to compress these mental processes into time units of the fleeting istant for the restful time sequence of days, months and years.
“To The Lighthouse” = Al Faro. This novel is divided in three parts. The first part tells about the Ramsay family on holiday. There are eight children and a little group of intellectual guests.
The central figure is Mrs Ramasay, she has promised her son James to let him go on a trip to the lighthouse, but the trip does non take place owing to bad weather.
The second part covers a span op ten years, where Mrs Ramsay, her doughter and her soon Andrew died.
The third part is set in one day, ten years later.
The Ramsays return to the old hause. Everything is change , only the lighthouse is still the same.