Tema su Alice in wonderland

Tema in inglese sulla storia di Alice in wonderland con commento personale (2 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di barbaralomasto


Alice in wonderland. “Alice in Wonderland” is my favorite book.

It was written by Lewis Carroll, even though his real name was Charles Lutwidge Dogson, and the novel was published in the 1865. When I was a child, I used to read the story from children books many times, and last summer I bought the original book with the full story.
People could say that it is a book for children, but I believe that isn’t true!
I like it because it is full of nonsense, mathematical and scientific games, it contains traces of English culture and also puns or wordplays. When I was reading the book, I didn’t understand some of the mathematical games, I actually had to look them up on the internet, and that is why, in my humble opinion, certain passages of the book would not be appropriate or correctly understood by a child.

Alice nel paese delle meraviglie: riassunto


In this book, Alice dreams about seeing a white rabbit, which she feels like following. By doing so she falls into a rabbit den. This is how her adventures in a strange world begin .
‘Alice in Wonderland’ reminds me of my childhood although it is still a very important thing in my present, so reading it I feel as if I could do anything. During those moments I can turn my mind off the rest of the world.
Alice is a curious girl like myself; she followed the white rabbit, she went to wonderland and she met a lot of peculiar characters; if she hadn’t been curious, she would have never found this place nor met those characters. Moreover, she is nice to everyone just like me too. If she has something to say, she just says it in a very polite manner, yet her interlocutors sometimes don’t seem to notice her kindness and this making her angry.

Alice nel paese delle meraviglie: tesina maturità


My favorite character is the Cheshire Cat. On Carroll’s times there used to be an idiom that said “to grin like a Cheshire cat’’. This character always has a grin like a big smile on his face, hence the reason Carroll named this character in the book after the idiom. I like him because he is the only one that has the courage to stand up against the queen, he thinks he is above everyone, and in a few words he is just plain mad. I would like to have a cat like this, it might be strange but he could sometimes make me happy and I would never feel alone.

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