Tema sul Natale Horror in inglese
Tema sul Natale in inglese, con traduzione in italiano: la storia di un gruppo di ragazzi che vanno a trascorrere le vacanze di Natale nella villa di un amico (4 pagine formato doc)
Tema sul Natale in inglese. Christmas blood. My name is Andrew Scott I am 23 years old and a week ago my friends (Paul, Benton and Jessica) and me went to Portland. Specifically we were going to my father’s villa to celebrate Christmas with friends, when suddenly the truck with which we started, got down making strange noises and stopped. Benton, Paul and me began to push the van up to a stopping point and unfortunately we had to sleep in the van. The next morning we woke up a bit stunned and sore for the sleep unpleasant, we tried to call a mechanic with the mobile phone of Paul, but there was no line; Paul began to get angry and to let off steam began to blame us of the happened, immediately after took his backpack, his mobile phone and went away to seek help.DESCRIZIONE DEL GIORNO DI NATALE IN INGLESE
Passed hours, but Paul does not returned, then I and Benton left Jessica to the van and we went to look for Paul, but we not managed to find it and just arrived in the city we took a taxy that took us up to my villa, where we took a car and returned to the stopping point to take Jessica. Just arrived at the van we remained terrified, Jessica was completely scarred and dripping blood then we took her in my villa because the van was full of drugs and we could not lead Jessica to the hospital. After blindfolded Jessica, the light jumped, we heard noises and after a few seconds the light went back to function and found ourselves in front Paul with a knife in his hand, which he told us that out of the villa there was a masked man that was watching us with a machete in his right hand and a chain in his left hand.
Tema sul giorno di Natale
Paul went out to shoo him, but the masked man gave him his feet in chains and soon after gave him a machete in the face sticking the dead body of Paul on wall of the villa. We ran terrified to close the door to prevent him from entering. Benton and I went to the attic to get the gun of my father and I also found a baseball bat, just off I gave the gun to Jessica, and baseball bat for Benton. Benton went out armed to kill the murderess, but the murderess had expected and Benton ended up stepping on a vise to bears.Temi svolti| Guida al tema sull'adolescenza| Guida al tema sull'immigrazione| Guida al tema sull'amicizia| Guida al tema sul femminicidio| Guida al tema sul Natale| Guida al tema sui social network e i giovani| Guida al tema sui giovani e la crisi economica| Guida al tema sul rapporto tra i giovani e la musica| Guida al tema sulla comunicazione ieri e oggi| Guida al tema sulla famiglia| Guida al tema sull'amore e l'innamoramento| Guida al tema sull'alimentazione| Guida al tema sullo sport e sui suoi valori| Guida al tema sulle dipendenze da droga, alcol e fumo| Guida al tema sulla ricerca della felicità| Guida al tema sul bullismo e sul cyberbullismo| Guida al tema sulla globalizzazione| Guida al tema sul razzismo| Guida al tema sulla fame nel mondo| Guida al tema sull'eutanasia e l'accanimento terapeutico| Guida al tema sulla libertà di pensiero| Guida al tema sulla mafia