The development and the orinigs of drama

Breve tema in inglese sulle origini e lo sviluppo del Drama (1 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di frafrafra90
The development of drama.
Origin: The origins of British drama date back to the Middle Ages. Before that time street performers went around the country to performed their shows also in the halls of aristocrats. Liturgical Drama: Drama was used to give to the peasants a religious education. At first liturgical drama was used, in the form of a dialogue between the celebrants. Mistery Plays: In the fourteenth century, a new religious festival was introduced in the month of June to celebrate “Corpus Christi”. In this day there is a procession around the village or town. The processions developed into a new form of drama that consisted of a number of plays, called mystery plays.
The Subject: The Mystery Plays were single episodes, articulated in a Mystery Cycle. The subject were biblical stories, as the Nativity and Passion. They were written in the English spoken by local people. The setting is York or some other English town. The Performance: Each play was performed by the trade or craft guilds of the town.