Il ruolo delle donne nella letteratura inglese: tesi di laurea
Introduzione e capitolo 1 della tesi sul ruolo delle donne nella letteratura inglese (34 pagine formato doc)
Tesi di laurea in letteratura inglese.
Il ruolo della donna nella letteratura inglese. Introduction. In the field of English literature, the flâneuse, the woman writer who is a visible presence in the city and brings it into her works as a character of them, comes out approximately after a century from the emergence of the flâneur, her male counterpart.Indeed, the flâneur, typical figure of urban observer walking the European metropolis of the eighteenth century, was allowed to enjoy the amazing developing of the modern city with complete freedom.
Women, on the contrary, were consigned to the narrow space of domesticity, except if she decided to rebel openly to the rigid rules of the society of their day.
Thus, women who deserted their husband, adulteresses and unmarried mothers were described with adjectives as ‘fallen’ or ‘deviant’, and were considered like prostitutes, who, being the street her home, was the archetype of the public woman.
Law and dress codes as well contributed to keep women in a constant state of oppression.
All this until the mid-eighteenth century, when women have gradually started to obtain those rights that, at least partially, equalized them to men end to overcome many moral prejudices. These results had been gained thanks to the struggle of many women, and some man as well, who supported the cause of female emancipation with actions and writings.
It is in this climate that a woman writer of the first half of the twentieth century as Virginia Woolf is allowed to go out of her home and become a flâneuse: a woman moving trough the city, an active participant in living, observing and portraying in her works the London of her times.
Virginia Woolf, who seems to be the prototype of the flâneuse, wrote about the pleasure of flânerie, that is exploring the city, living and feeling with all the five senses, tasting the sensations that the contact with urban life is able to give, as a flâneur only was permitted.
Chapter 1. What does it mean flânerie? English language has not any equivalent of this French word derived from the verb, perhaps of Scandinavian origin, flâner defined ‘se promener sans but, au hasard; user son temps sans profit’ [to stroll aimlessly, haphazardly; to employ one’s time without profit].
From the verb flâner, derive the nouns flânerie and flâneur, with its feminine flâneuse.
Therefore, flânerie is ‘l’action de flâner’ [the action of flâner], while flâneur and flâneuse are ‘celui, celle qui flâne’ [the man, the woman who flâne].
Another French definition of flâner is ‘errer sans but, lentement, en s’arrêtant fréquemment, comme un homme oisif’ [to wander aimlessly, slowly, stopping frequently, like an idler].